Fat Sweaty Yoga

Because we love yoga, it’s cool to be fat, and it’s okay to sweat.

You want to get your sweat on but you need the right environment and community to do it in. 

Maybe….you’ve done some (or a lot) of yoga in the past, but things are feeling different now. Your body has changed, and yoga (and maybe movement in general) isn’t as easy or fun as it used to be. 

Or maybe…you have just been waiting for a sign that it’s time to move more and this feels like it’s the one! 

Fat, Sweaty Yoga is a place where you can show up as you are, be challenged, and take breaks as often as you want, no shame required. You are not expected to move through the sequences seamlessly or perfectly. We are here to step out of our physical comfort zone so we can get stronger, while being held in a loving, judgment-free zone.

Who’s It For?

This three-week program is for folks who identify as fat, have some experience with yoga and/or feel confident in their ability to understand and follow cues. This doesn’t mean you need to be confident in your strength and flexibility, it just means you don’t think you’d be super confused or too lost in a class with fairly basic moves.

It’s for folks looking for some accountability to get back into their body in an environment where they know they won’t encounter anti-fat bias or weight loss/diet bull shit.

What and When?

We’ll meet three days a week for three weeks. That’s it. We’ll keep it short, sweet, and potent.

  • Monday Aug. 14 - Saturday, Sept. 2

  • Mondays and Wednesdays from 4-5pm CT

  • Saturdays from 11am-12pm CT

    Practicing three days a week for three weeks is just about enough time for you to see some progress, feel some benefits, and get back into the habit of moving.

Class breakdown:

You also get FREE (and optional) access to four of the classes I offer in my online membership, The Sanctuary. Yes, four!

For the duration of the three weeks, you’re welcome to:

  1. A Tuesday night class that alternates between Yoga Nidra and Restorative Yoga: both of these are classes that focus on deep relaxation. (7:30-8:30pm CT)

  2. A Thursday night class that alternates between chair yoga and gentle yoga (7:30-8:30pm CT)

  3. A Yoga philosophy class on Sunday, August 13th from 12-1:30pm CT

  4. A Body Positive Book Club on Sunday, August 27th from 12-1:30pm CT (we’re discussing More Than A Body: Your Body Is an Instrument, Not an Ornament by Lindsay and Lexie Kite)

  • 0:00-0:10: brief check-in and gentle warm-up

  • 0:10-0:25: build heat

  • 0:25-0:35: maintain heat

  • 0:35-0:45: cool down

  • 0:45-0:55: savasana (relaxation)

  • 0:55-0:00: debrief

How It Works

  • $180

  • $260

  • $100


Q: Can you give me a sense of what kind of things we’ll be doing?

A: We’ll typically start with some sun salutations and other standing warm-ups, and then do a good amount of seated/reclining strength-building and stretching exercises. The style of yoga is closest to Hatha. Here are some movements you can expect:

  • Getting up and down from the floor repeatedly (you don’t have to be able to do it quickly)

  • Assuming hands and knees position (padding under the knees can be a great support)

  • Lying on the floor, face down

  • Lying on the floor, face up

  • Sitting positions

  • Standing positions

You are welcome to sign up even if you can’t do some of the above! You’ll just have to be comfortable adapting and winging it at times. You can also sign up for a private session or two with me so we can find suitable alternatives for you. There’s a place to indicate you want that when you register.

Q: This sounds exhausting to me. What if it’s too much?

A: I believe that the biggest obstacle to moving our bodies can often be our minds. We think things are supposed to be done in a certain way, for a certain length of time, at a certain intensity. If we can’t accomplish that, then we think “it doesn’t count” so it isn’t worth it to even try, or we beat ourselves up about it and then give up in order to escape our own criticism. What if you just committed to showing up for the nine days of this program and doing whatever you felt like? If you actually took it easy on yourself, do you think you might feel like doing more on day 4 than on day 1? What might day 7 look like? By day 9, do you think you’ll feel a little bit differently than you did on day 1? Do you think maybe you will have learned something about yourself? Some of the practices we do might be beyond your capabilities and what if you decide that’s okay? Some of it might be boring to you. What if you took it as an opportunity to practice self-compassion and just showing up for yourself?

That being said, if you start the program and decide that you can’t continue because of difficulty, you will still have continued access to the Tuesday and Thursday evening classes (both are gentle and accessible) and the Sunday community sessions that I teach as part of my online membership (see details above, under the “What and Where?” heading). I’m including them for free with your registration, but they are a similar value to Fat Sweaty Yoga.

Q: What if I can’t make it to some of the sessions? Will they be recorded?

A: Yes! All sessions will be recorded and you’ll have access to them on Google Drive for the length of the program, plus one week after it concludes.

Q: Is this a beginner’s class?

A: No. This is a class for people who have experience with yoga because the focus is more on moving and less on learning. I will be specific and clear about what to do while I teach, but we won’t be spending a lot of time going into details on each pose.

Q: Do I have to be fat? What if I’m not sure if I’m fat? What if I don’t like the word fat?

A: If you’re not sure, you can use size as a measure: think about a women’s size 14/16 and up or a men’s size XL and up. You don’t have to like the word fat or use it for yourself, but please know that I do use it and I do so lovingly and proudly!

Q: Do I have to have my camera on?

A: Nope. On or off, either way is fine by me.

Q: Is this secretly a weight loss program?

A: HA! Nononono. This is about feeling alive in the bodies we have right now. In my experience, pursuing intentional weight loss has always ultimately distanced me from my body, so I would never inflict that potential on someone else. I respect the body you have today and I see you as whole just as you are.

Let’s Sweat.